Yeah, I’m Nashville voice talent, Marty Morgan … Lorrie Morgan’s big brother. I taught her everything she knows about “the biz”, but don’t tell her I said that.
Kidding aside, Vocal prowess runs in the Morgan family. Both Marty’s father and younger sister are acclaimed recording artists (click here for Country Music Hall of Fame Member George Morgan, click here for CMA and Grammy award winning recording artist Lorrie Morgan)
In the photo to the right, Marty works with talented singer and sister Lorrie Morgan in the studio. Marty shared the lead vocals for a song project for Feed The Children, a celebrity compilation CD which featured a roster of celebrity acts ranging from the Monkeys to The Judds and Boyz to Men.
The Man Behind The Microphone.
The Voice Behind The Man.
He wanted to be an Ad Guy for as long as he could remember. And the first time he saw Darrin Stevens on the television series “Bewitched”, he knew copywriting was his ticket to a successful advertising career.
Beginning with his first full time copy job with a hot Birmingham ad agency, Marty Morgan has been creating successful and memorable advertising and winning awards for clients across the spectrum and across the country for over 30 years.
His track record as a copywriter, creative director, television variety show writer and national marketing director has taken Marty through Akron, Birmingham, Dallas, Kansas City and back home to Nashville where he owns and operates two cracker jack ad support services. CrayonMouth Productions features his personal brand of voice over acting, and The RedHot Jingle Company offering the finest in customized music for marketing.

His ad philosophy centers on understanding consumer behavior, knowing how to make the target audience respond by striking the appropriate emotional trigger and staying focused on a singular selling message versus trying to be all things to all people. David Ogilvy, Bill Bernbach , Joe Sedelmaier and Fallon McGelliot Rice are industry legends he most highly admires.
The unique perspective of having worked both sides of the fence and both sides of the recording booth helps put a powerfully effective stamp on all his work. Transitioning from writer, director, producer to voice actor has been a natural progression in a life of fulfilling work that has included the opportunity to make friends with hundreds of great ad professionals, voice actors, musicians and studio guys and gals around the country. Thoroughly enjoying life behind the mike is what makes work as CrayonMouth a rewarding passion and a truly colorful way of life.
Way back in the late 70’s Marty graduated cum laude from Middle Tennessee University with degree in Advertising and Public Relations. He’s been selling America home spun stories, pick up trucks and mom’s apple pie ever since.